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At St Nicholas, we are committed to ensuring everyone uses Information Communication Technology safely, with purpose, challenge and enjoyment. Technology will support communication and learning in our school community and we will teach the skills required to allow everyone to have access. We believe “A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.” NC Computing Programme of Study 2013.
We believe great teaching takes what pupils already know and builds on it. For this to happen, staff need a strong subject knowledge, a wide range of pedagogical approaches at their disposal and a willingness to learn themselves. Great learning happens when pupils feel secure and confident. For this to happen, pupils and their parents need to trust staff, be willing to make mistakes and use equipment responsibly.


Digital Leaders

We have a merry band of Digital Leaders who meet weekly for training.  They support teachers and peers with a variety of tech related issues and promote online safety at every opportunity.